Margaret Sanger Net Worth 2024

Full NameMargaret Sanger
Current AgeDeceased (died September 6, 1966)
Age at Death86
Cause of DeathHeart failure
Occupation(s)Birth control activist, sex educator, writer, nurse
Date of BirthSeptember 14, 1879
Place of BirthCorning, New York
Net Worth$5 million
Source of WealthWriting, speaking engagements, donations to Planned Parenthood
Notable Works"Family Limitation", "Woman and the New Race"


Margaret Sanger was a prominent American birth control activist, sex educator, writer, and nurse who played a crucial role in the development of modern birth control methods. She was also the founder of the American Birth Control League, which later evolved into the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Sanger's work had a significant impact on women's reproductive rights and health care. In this article, we will look into Margaret Sanger's net worth in 2024 and explore the sources of her wealth.

Early Life and Career

Margaret Sanger was born on September 14, 1879, in Corning, New York. She pursued a career in nursing and worked in various hospitals in New York City. Sanger was deeply affected by the poverty and suffering she witnessed among women who had multiple pregnancies and lacked access to birth control. This experience motivated her to become an advocate for women's reproductive rights.

Founding of the Birth Control Movement

In 1916, Margaret Sanger opened the first birth control clinic in the United States in Brooklyn, New York. The clinic provided information on contraception and family planning to women who were seeking to control their fertility. Sanger faced legal challenges and opposition from conservative groups but continued to fight for the right of women to access birth control.

Establishment of Planned Parenthood

In 1921, Margaret Sanger founded the American Birth Control League, which later became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The organization aimed to promote birth control as a means of improving women's health and empowering them to make informed choices about their reproductive lives. Planned Parenthood has since grown into a global network of health care providers and advocates for reproductive rights.

Net Worth in 2024

Margaret Sanger's net worth in 2024 is estimated to be around $5 million. This wealth is derived from her various endeavors as a writer, speaker, and activist. Sanger's writings on birth control and women's health have been widely published and continue to be influential in the field of reproductive rights.

Sources of Wealth

Margaret Sanger's wealth comes from a combination of sources, including royalties from her books and articles, speaking fees, and donations to the organizations she founded. Sanger was a prolific writer and lecturer, and her work on birth control and women's rights earned her a substantial income.

Book Sales

Margaret Sanger wrote several books on birth control and women's health, including "Family Limitation" and "Woman and the New Race." These books have been widely read and continue to be influential in the field of reproductive rights. The royalties from her book sales have contributed significantly to her net worth.

Speaking Engagements

Margaret Sanger was a sought-after speaker on the topics of birth control and women's rights. She traveled extensively to give lectures and presentations at universities, conferences, and public events. Sanger's speaking engagements were well-compensated, and she earned a substantial income from her appearances.

Donations to Planned Parenthood

As the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger made significant donations to the organization to support its mission of providing reproductive health care to women. These donations have helped to fund the operation of clinics, research initiatives, and advocacy efforts on behalf of women's reproductive rights.

Legacy and Influence

Margaret Sanger's work has had a lasting impact on women's reproductive rights and health care. Her advocacy for birth control and family planning laid the groundwork for the development of modern contraceptive methods and the establishment of organizations like Planned Parenthood. Sanger's writings and speeches continue to inspire activists and advocates around the world.


Despite her contributions to women's health and rights, Margaret Sanger has faced criticism for her views on eugenics and population control. Sanger believed in the value of selective breeding and advocated for the use of birth control to limit the growth of populations deemed undesirable. These views have been condemned as racist and discriminatory by some critics.

Public Perception

Margaret Sanger is a divisive figure in history, with supporters praising her as a pioneer in the fight for women's rights and detractors condemning her for her controversial beliefs. Sanger's legacy is a complex one, with both positive and negative aspects that continue to spark debate and discussion among scholars and activists.


Margaret Sanger's net worth in 2024 reflects the success of her advocacy for women's reproductive rights and health care. Through her writings, speeches, and organizational leadership, Sanger made a significant impact on the development of modern birth control methods and the promotion of women's autonomy. While her legacy is not without controversy, Sanger's contributions to the field of reproductive rights continue to be felt today.

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